Source code for atnlp.eval.metrics

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Functionality for computing performance metrics. Typically custom metrics not provided by sklearn.

__author__ = "Will Davey"
__email__ = ""
__created__ = "2018-05-30"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2018 Will Davey"
__license__ = "MIT"

# standard imports 

# third party imports
import numpy as np

# local imports

# globals

[docs]def recall_all_score(Y_true, Y_pred): """Return the 'recall all' score 'Recall all' is defined as:: score := number of examples with all labels correct / number of examples :param Y_true: ground truth topic labels (one-hot format) :param Y_pred: topic predictions (one-hot format) :return: recall all score """ Y_true = Y_true.as_matrix() matches = np.all(Y_true == Y_pred, axis=1) return np.sum(matches) / len(matches)
[docs]def flpd_score(Y_true, Y_pred): """Return 'false labels per document' score 'False labels per document' is defined as:: score := total number of false labels / number of examples :param Y_true: ground truth topic labels (one-hot format) :param Y_pred: topic predictions (one-hot format) :return: false labels per document score """ Y_true = Y_true.as_matrix() return np.sum(Y_pred & ~Y_true) / Y_true.shape[0]
[docs]def mlpd_score(Y_true, Y_pred): """Missing labels per document score 'Missing labels per document' is defined as:: score := total number of missing labels / number of examples :param Y_true: ground truth topic labels (one-hot format) :param Y_pred: topic predictions (one-hot format) :return: missing labels per document score """ Y_true = Y_true.as_matrix() return np.sum(~Y_pred & Y_true) / Y_true.shape[0]